Version 2.2.0 of MRules is out

We are proud to announce that the version 2.2.0 of MRules is released.

This version comes with some new features, among which:

  • Local Java Class or Package imports are now handled in rule sets, to ease the use of Java objects.
  • Static access for Fields and Methods have been added to the property framework.
  • The DSL engine has been enrich with new possibilities.
  • The Rule Set configuration DSL handles all these new features, and more (like raw string litterals, rule set properties configuration, Classes and Packages auto completion, …)

Lots of improvements and optimizations have been made to already existing features. Also, the DSL editor and specifically the autocompletion feature has been improved to be more accurate and intuitive.

Please note the breaking changes in the list of modifications:

  • AdvancedReader has been moved to another package: if you use it directly, you will have to update the code.
  • An order is now mandatory in ruleset DSL configuration file: imports, then configuration and then rules. You may have to update your rule set configurations.

The release notes provides details on all modifications.