MRules is a software products suite, written in Java, designed to be integrated with your applications to simplify the technical aspects and allow you to focus on business domains.
Our products are made to be efficient and easy to set up or configure. Optimize your business and your productivity by focusing your developments mainly on functional intelligence.

A library providing many technical utilities necessary for our business oriented products.The quality and diversity of its API allows it to find its place in any type of application and to facilitate the work of developers.

Rule Engine
A light, high-performance and evolutive library, dedicated to modelize and execute business rules. It is designed to be easily and effectively integrated to management applications, allowing to externalize purely functional intelligence and to involve non-technical stakeholders in the behaviour of their applications.

Grammar Engine
A generic syntactic interpreter. It allows to create from scratch a grammar describing a domain specific language, readable and understandable by functional stakeholders.

They allow to link our proucts’ features between them or to third-party softwares.
Try MRules for free, without restriction, simply by using the contact form. Discover the performances as well as the available features and improve the quality of your developments.