Interface | Description |
IAddon |
Implementations can be loaded via
ConfigDiscovery . |
IAddonsManager |
This class allows to declare some system variables,
which will be automatically registered by
ConfigDiscovery . |
ICacheActivationResolver |
Resolves cache activation for a specific addon.
Class | Description |
AbstractAddon |
Common mother class for addons implementation.
AbstractAnonymousAddon |
Specific mother class for special addons, without name information desired.
DefaultPersistentPropertiesRegisterer |
Registers default persistent properties for following addons :
MAvailableAccessor: "property"
MCoalesceAccessor: "sources"
MCountAccessor: "source"
MIterateAccessor: "source"
MMapEntriesAccessor: "source"
MMapKeysAccessor: "source"
MMapValuesAccessor: ""source
MNullIfEmptyAccessor: "source"
MPropertyAccessor: "property"
MSplitAccessor: "source"
MValueAccessor: "value"
MSizeAccessor: "source"
MNewInstanceAccessor: "className"
Average: "source"
Sum: "source"
DIVIDED: "decimals"
MConditionNot: "condition"
MActionExec: "command"
MActionClear: "target"
MActionSort: "target"
MActionPrint: "sources"
MActionPrintF: "message"
Abs: "source"
Round: "source"
BETWEEN: "min"
MContextFactory: "classIn"
MInOutContextFactory: "classIn"
MListContextFactory: "classProperty"
MVariablePropertyAccessor: "property"
Call: "callable"
Return: "value"
DefaultVariablesManager |
Declares system variables provided by default.
DefaultVariablesManager.AbstractVariableAccessor |
Base for variable accessors.
DefaultVariablesManager.Date |
Default "#DATE" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.DateTime |
Default "#DATETIME" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.Now |
Default "#NOW" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.NullValue |
Default "#NULL" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.Readbase |
Default "#READBASE" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.RootReadbase |
Default "#ROOTREADBASE" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.RootWritebase |
Default "#ROOTWRITEBASE" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.RulesetName |
Default "#RULESETNAME" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.Time |
Default "#TIME" system variable accessor.
DefaultVariablesManager.Writebase |
Default "#WRITEBASE" system variable accessor.
GlobalCacheActivationResolver |
Global activation for all addons.
MAddonsFinder |
Parses all "mrules-addons.xml" found on classpath to register content.
MAddonsFinderInitializer |
Forces addons initialization.
MAddonsUtils |
Provides utility methods on addons.
PersistantPropertiesTable |
Used to store all persistant properties data on a Class.
PersistantPropertyInfo |
Class used to encapsulate a persistant property and ease data access.
SpecificCacheActivationResolver |
Specific activation resolver to configure addons by ID.
Annotation Type | Description |
IgnoreParentPersistantProperties |
Allows to ignore persistent properties declared in parent classes hierarchy.
PersistantProperties |
Tells which properties of this object have to be written by factory.
PersistantProperty |
Defines a property which has to be written by factory.